Friday, July 5, 2013

Teach yourself physics too!

Welcome all!

So I will be teaching myself all the levels of physics over the next five years. From intro to motion, electrostatics, through the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics.

This will be tough. But if you just keep your head in it, anything is possible.

As we move along through physics, you will need some understanding of Calculus and differential equations. But Diffeq will not be until the end of the second year, probably the third year.

Every two weeks or so I will be posting a problem online, then a day later I will post a solution on how to solve that problem. But the most important concepts of that chapter will be introduced.

So the first chapter we will be studying is Introduction to Motion. But I will have to leave ya'll hanging here because it is getting late and I need rest for my day of teaching physics.

I will post my first chapter problem and lecture on Monday July 8th.

Questions call me at 720-984-8777 or email me at


Mark Jackson
Physics wanna be teacher and enthusiast
Student at Metropolitan State University of Denver

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